Friday, January 8, 2010

Your Assignment for February if you choose to accept it.

I don't know about the rest of you who attended the photo club meeting yesterday, but I had a lot of fun.  It's exciting to see such an interest in photography, and people who want to increase their skills. 

  Ok, we want to expand the program a little, and get you thinking more about your photography.  We have some homework for you.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to photograph snow. You have one month to complete the mission. At the end of the month return to the February Greater Groton Photography Club meeting with your memory card, or usb stick containing 5 of your favorite photos from this mission. Good Luck, and happy shooting.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 2009

I've heard several people mention that they had a great time at the first Photography Club meeting. Several of you have posted your photos to the shared folder:

I know some of you also posted them on facebook. It was a lot of fun to look over the photos, and see the creative ways to photograph the same subject. Great work!

I know that I did, and I heard some new ideas on how we might proceed as a group.

Our next meeting will be December 3, 2009.  We plan on talking about night time photography, and then walking around town to take photos of the Holiday Decorations, Stores, or anything else that might catch your eye. 

Please bring warm clothing, because it might be cold.
Bring your cameras, and a tripod if you have one.

Thank You for all your help, and we look forward to seeing you again.


Monday, October 12, 2009


Welcome to a photography club blog for the Greater Groton, NY area.  At this time we are in the process of creating the club.

Our first meeting will be at the Groton Community Church on November 5, 2009 at 7:00 PM in Groton, New York.  If you have a camera, please bring it with you.  If you have the manual for your camera, you might want to bring that as well. We will be taking photographs the first night.  At this point we are thinking of having our meetings the first Thursday night of every month.

We invite all levels of people who are interested in photography to join us.  We feel that each of us can learn from each other.

At this point we have a few ideas that we might like to try, and encourage you to bring any ideas that you might have.  Some of the ideas include:
  • Photo Walks or Outings - For those who are interested we would get together to take photos in the same area, and learn from each other.
  • Speakers - Have people come in to speak about different topics relating to photography.
  • Photo Exhibits - An opportunity to display our photos
  • Critiques - An opportunity to learn what works and what doesn't work in our photography.  An opportunity to see how we can improve our photographs.

We also feel that there are many types of photography, and might want to explore some/all of them.  Here is a list that we came up with:

  • Black and White
  • Nature
  • Potrait
  • Night Time
  • Sports/Action
  • Street 
  • Macro
  • Architecture
  • Wedding
  • Still Life
  • Children
  • ...
We hope that you might join us, and look forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas.

We hope to see you there.