Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 2009

I've heard several people mention that they had a great time at the first Photography Club meeting. Several of you have posted your photos to the shared folder:

I know some of you also posted them on facebook. It was a lot of fun to look over the photos, and see the creative ways to photograph the same subject. Great work!

I know that I did, and I heard some new ideas on how we might proceed as a group.

Our next meeting will be December 3, 2009.  We plan on talking about night time photography, and then walking around town to take photos of the Holiday Decorations, Stores, or anything else that might catch your eye. 

Please bring warm clothing, because it might be cold.
Bring your cameras, and a tripod if you have one.

Thank You for all your help, and we look forward to seeing you again.
